Welcome to your space for stepping into the Freedom, Fullness and Flourishing

of all that you're meant to be as a woman!

Hello, dearest! I’m Adelina,

I’m a Certified EFT Practitioner, Feminine Energy Coach & Certified Astrologer,

and my mission here is to help you heal emotional blocks and patterns you wish to leave behind, as well as empower you with transformational, practical knowledge about the Feminine.

So You can…



Hello, dearest! I’m Adelina,

And my mission here is to help you heal emotional blocks and patterns you wish to leave behind.

Old wounds, conditioning and negative beliefs you have picked up along the way.


Deeply love and value yourself while knowing what that truly feels like in your everyday experience.

Develop a sense of unshakable self-worth and certainty in who you are, and from that space, create a life that feels authentically yours.

Live in a state of life-changing emotional freedom and empowerment, free of fear and self-doubt.

Experience a love that fulfills and carries you to heights of bliss, as the divine goddess you’re meant to embody.

Reclaim the feminine power of your body and experience boundless pleasure and freedom in your sexuality and sensuality.

Achieve success and manifest abundance in ways that are rooted in the ease of your receiving power, your self-care, and your feeling centered and radiant.

It’s time to be living your most rapturous desires! They are the sacred calling of your soul’s most expansive experience.

While there are many EFT styles and variations out there, Adelina is one of the few practitioners I’ve known who spent years teaching herself from our material, and learned it exactly as we had intended.  Our certification process definitely deepened her skills and gave her a more advanced perspective on difficult cases, but she is a natural fit for Gold Standard EFT which has the power to heal decades of trauma.

I highly recommend her practice to anyone who wants the most that EFT has to offer.

Tina Craig, Director, Gold Standard EFT Certification Program

2 years after my EFT work with Adelina and the results I got are still there. The support and the warmth she offers feel like a balm to me!

Olga Steau, Dubai

I recommend EFT with all my heart and I highly recommend Adelina, the warm and devoted woman who will help you evolve emotionally so you can be your best self and excel in every area of your life. Our sessions worked wonders for me!

Ioana, Maramureș, Romania

… I felt really safe and like I was actually working on myself. Adelina is the kind of guide that’s perfect in helping a woman heal her trauma.  She is so dedicated to her work she will make you want to heal even more. I recommend her 100%, and to any woman with doubts – in all sincerity, I would share my experience from which conclusions can be drawn.  Adelina holds the key to femininity.

Oana Chiș, Maramureș, Romania

Using the deeply transformative power of the scientifically-proven healing tool in the field of energy psychology, EFT Tapping, along with the tools of Feminine Energy  and Astrology, we can create change that lasts and a version of your life that fulfills and lights up your entire being!




English: The information provided by Adelina Treitli as well as the information on this website is not offered with the purpose of diagnosing, treating or curing any medical conditions. Adelina Treitli is not a licensed medical practitioner and offers her services as a personal performance coach.

Română: Informațiile oferite pe acest website nu sunt oferite de către Adelina Treitli cu scopul diagnosticării sau tratării diagnosticelor medicale. Adelina Treitli nu este cadru medical licențiat și iși oferă serviciile ca și ghid de dezvoltare personală.

All rights reserved.